HD radio had a good display of product. HD
radio is digital, and is less prone to
interference than standard FM radio. A variety
of home and car receivers are available. Best of
all, it’s free, no subscription fees.
XM and Sirius satellite radio had similar
displays to last year. The hardware is smaller
and has a color display, but XM dropped all of
their live music acts this year. With Sirius
gaining more subscribers than XM last year,
could it be the costs involved with bringing
name brand acts to CES? Could a merger between
the two formats be in the not so distant future?
Hitachi and many others showed HD DVD cameras
at the show. Now you can record 1080i right onto
a mini DVD on a camcorder that is tiny. I liked
the exploded view that Hitachi had on display..
More Ipod stuff. This Ipod speaker with 4
simulated tubes on the base is cute, but serves
no purpose. I guess it’s for the tube fanatic
that is forced kicking and screaming into the
MP3 age.
…and for the person that absolutely MUST take
their IPod into the swimming pool…
DBox is a manufacturer of motion transducers
for home theater. They combine audio with
hydraulics to actually move your chair with
software programmed for the movie that you’re
watching. This year they introduced gaming
chairs based on the same principles.