9. Then refill the chamber with the coloured glycol. Pour the glycol back into the tube with a filter over the tube refill opening so
as to make sure there is nothing in the glycol that shouldn't be there.
The tube is ready with a piece of fabric to filter the glycol
The green BarcoGraphics808s tube after filling it with ink
tinted glycol
The red BarcoGraphics808s tube after filling it with ink
tinted glycol
10. Then mount the seal back with as little air in the tube as possible.
11. Mount the frame that holds the rubber seal and re-attach four
12. Now all the electric parts should be mounted back on the tube, and the
tube can mounted back in the projector.
The tube has been reassembled and is ready to be mounted back
in the projector
13. Colour Calibration is a must to get the right gray scale after this