Zenith PRO 1200x
For setup tips, see the Barco
808/808s page here as
the setup is basically identical.
Below are some general tips that are specific to the Zenith 1200:
Be aware that the manuals and the on-screen setup guide have mistakes as
they're based off of other Barco projectors and I guess Barco they didn't feel it was
worth fixing/mentioning. For example:
(1) Blue/Red lens toe-in: There are only 2 bolts per
tube on the top (table mounted) that need to be loosened to toe-in the
lenses (not 3 as the manual states). There are also two bolts UNDERNEATH
that need to be loosened! Pull out the
convergence tray and loosen these bolts. Don't bother tightening them until
you're 100% done (or don't even bother - the other two on top will hold it
just fine). The manual doesn't mention these bolts underneath.
(2) The Scheimpflug bolts are drawn in the wrong spot in the manual. The two
you want to adjust per tube are the ones ABOVE the lenses (table mounted),
not the two below as shown in the manual. (You can't adjust the ones below
as they're locked in place.) Hint: Don't do like me [Kal] and loosen the Scheimpflug bolts too far, otherwise the nut will fall off the back
and you'll be stuck taking the aluminum cover off to put the little
nut back on. If it does happen, while you have the cover off put some
aluminum tape to hold the nut in place so that it doesn't happen again, or
better yet, get longer bolts from Home Depot. (The other two fixed bolts are
longer - I almost think they installed these two sets backwards!).
(3) The on-screen focus instructions talk about using the two focus rings on
the lenses to focus the image. This is a throwback to other Barco
models that have two focus rings. The HD-215 lenses on the Zenith 1200
only have one focus ring.
(4) The installation formulas are completely wrong (they're for a
different set of lenses), not to mention they don't work for a 16x9 screen
anyway. Use the on-screen calculator built into the projector's
installation guide or these formula's from the Zenith 1200 training manual
TD = (SW x 1.1358) + 7.29"
SCP = (SW x 0.233) + 9.94
SW = Screen width (in inches)
TD = Throw distance (distance from screen to front leg).
SCP = Distance from screen center to horizontal surface of mounting bracket.
Example using a 96" x 54" (16x9) screen:
TD = 116.3" (Note: Install approx 6% closer to optimize phosphor
SCP = 32.3"
So for a 54" tall screen the distance from the top of the screen to the
horizontal surface of the mounting bracket must be: (54/2) - 32.3 = -5.3"
So, this says your projector should be 5.3" inches above your screen and
116.3" away.
A positive value for vertical offset would indicate installation below the
top of the screen.