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Sony G90 Tube Replacement

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9- Place the assembly facing down on a flat and clean bench as follows :


10- Unscrew all DY/Sub-DY/MG and 2p/4P coils assemblies screws around the tube neck and store them in the same order/orientation in a safe area (don't forget to carefully remove the plastic wedge located between Sub-DY and MG coils).

11- Remove glycol tank screw :


12- Place a CLEAN and DRY 250ml glass above the Glycol hole access this way :


With a fast (but safe) movement, turn the assembly upside-down while holding the glass in the same position above the glycol chamber hole. Then press the glycol chamber rubber expansion part with one finger to force the glycol to fall out from the hole inside the glass :


Stop the process when the glass is close to be fulfilled by simply restoring the assembly initial orientation on the bench. Replace the glycol tank's screw back in place and close the glass full of glycol with a cup to avoid dust entry and store it in a safe area too.

At this stage, you must check that the retrieved glycol aspect is fully transparent. If it's not the case, then all the glycol contained inside the LC chamber must be replaced with new glycol.

Also, be very careful to not spill any glycol as it is very corrosive to just about everything (including human skin!). The use medical gloves is a must.

13- After had removed all the four screws located by the yellow arrow, use a large flat screwdriver to tilt-up the tube and its aluminium belt/holder away from the rest of the LC chamber :


14- After separation of the tube and its aluminium belt/holder from the rest of the LC chamber, store this last part within a clean and hole free plastic bag (beware of the glycol movements within the chamber during transportation!) :

Close the bag this way so no dust can enter it:

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