Ampro 1500/2000
Horizontal Output Board:
This is the horizontal output board that controls the H deflection of the yokes.
This board can have a number of issues with it. The first thing to check is the
fuse in the top right corner. It’s a standard 3AG fast blow fuse. Check it with
a meter, it can blow right at the ends of the fuse, and may be open even though
it looks to be OK.
Check the H yoke connectors for solid connections. If one yoke connector
slips off, a deflection burn may occur on a tube, the Ampro has no protection
for intermittent yoke connections.
The round toroidal transformer is held in place with a plastic nut and bolt.
Over time, this bolt can become brittle and snap. It is imperative that this is
replaced with a plastic bolt. The amount of current running through this
transformer can cause a metal bolt to get red hot due to induction, and the H
circuits will be thrown off and could be overloaded.
Once in a while one of the transistors can short out and the board can melt.
If the damage is bad enough, the board will need to be replaced.
Note that the one adjustment that can be done by the user is the master width
control as indicated above. Use this control to correct for lack/excessive
width. Note that the factory default setting for the H size on the remote is