Electrohome Marquee
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After the top cover is removed , you will see the three CRTs. Unlike other
sets, the Marquee has plastic shrouds around each tube. This allows the whole
tube and lens assembly to be easily removed, and the magnetics can then be taken
off after the tube has been taken out of the set. There is a metal cage/shield
over each CRT socket assembly. Two screws on the top of each shield come out and
then the back shield hinges back and comes off, exposing the CRT socket. As with
many high end sets, the CRT sockets also contain the video output amplifier.
Between the blue and green tubes sits the HDM or Horizontal output board. The
Focus board is between the red and green tubes. The top metal covers hinge off
and the boards pull straight up.
The rear large aluminum heatsink flips down and houses the vertical output
amplifier, the convergence output section and in the case of the higher end
Marquees, the astigmatism amplifier/output (also called ‘stigmator’).