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Marquee LC Tube Replacement

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7 Removal of the tube:
7.a There is a layer of silicone on the tube face that is still mounting the tube in the housing. (Picture 7.a) This layer of silicone is not easily accessible for removal, so instead – we shall use prying force to work the silicone loose and then remove the tube.

Picture 7.a.

7.b For this step we need 1) a metal wedge and 2) a hammer for tapping the wedge in place. I used the nail claw on my hammer as a convenient wedge. (Picture 7.b)

Picture 7.b.

7.c Place the wedge at the corner of the housing assembly and the tube. I strongly recommend you apply the wedge at the corner of the tube/assembly as it’s much stronger at the corner. (Picture 7.c)

Picture 7.c.

7.d Firmly tap the wedge between the tube and housing. Use only moderate tapping force - do not HAMMER the wedge in (we do not want to damage the housing or tube). (Picture 7.d) It may be helpful to occasionally pry the wedge back and forth to help loosen the tube.

Picture 7.d.

7.e You will be finished at each corner when the tube has been forced up to the housing on the opposite corner. (Note: Tube has no clearance left between the tube and housing – opposite the wedge.) (Picture 7.e)

Picture 7.e.

7.f Remove wedge, and repeat at next corner. (Picture 7.f.1) (Picture 7.f.2)

Picture 7.f.1.

Picture 7.f.2.

7.g After wedging both corners, the tube is ready for removal. (Picture 7.g)

Picture 7.g.

8 Cleaning the tube housing from remaining silicone and dirt:
8.a Most likely, during the tube removal process – there was some dirt/silicone that got into the glycol chamber. (Picture 8.a) Don’t worry about it; we will thoroughly clean the remaining silicone later.

Picture 8.a.

8.b For cleaning the remaining silicone, you will need: 1) a 1.5” flexible putty knife, and 2) a clean paint brush (soft bristle). (Picture 8.b)
***DO NOT USE A FLAT SCREWDRIVER!!!!*** If you use a screwdriver, you may easily slip and either gouge the C-element ($$$) or puncture the bellows ($$). A putty knife will be a lot easier to control, and will be less likely for an accident.

Picture 8.b.

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